Builder. Level Designer. Environmental Artist.
Screenshots of projects completed as part of The Hive, Hypixel and Enchanted build teams, as well as personal work.
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Other :
Tranquility - CTF (Hive)
Fungal - Skywars (Hypixel)
Facility - Hide and Seek (Hive)
Outback - Duels (Hypixel)
Discontinued Deathrun (Hive)
Snakes'n'Ladders - TNT tag (Hypixel)
Tomes - Gravity (Hive)
Heiro - Smash (Hypixel)
Unearth - CTF (Hive)
Belfry - Bedwars (Hive)
Office - Cops'n'Crims (Hypixel)
Whirlwood - Bedwars (Hive)
Outback Ridge - Axiom 1hr Testing
Verdant Hills - Axiom 1hr Testing
Tara L Gault - Winghide
Programs and Tools:
Minecraft Addons: Worldedit, Voxelsniper, Arceons Building tools, Axiom Editing tool
3D Modelling: Blockbench, Cubik Studio
Texturing and Art: Photoshop, Illustrator, Inkscape
Professional Experience:
Hypixel Builders (Formerly HPBT): November 2014 - December 2015
Hytale Project, Hypixel Studios: December 2015 - October - 2017
Hypixel Server Build Team: November 2017 - April 2020
Enchanted Builds: April 2020 - June 2021
The Hive Builders: - July 2021 - June 2024
Core Skills:
Minigame Level Design, For a wide variety of player group sizes, ages and skills. From ages 5-25+, Mobile and PC. Including gameplay sensitive applications of blocking, pacing, signposting and objective focus.
Small Scale/Interior Level Design, with care toward storytelling and roleplay potential, enhancing setting and atmosphere to the player.
Open World Level Design, with a focus on readability and navigation. Ensuring sightline on Point of Intrests without sacrificing realistic, natural feel.
Building Standard, respect and adherence to quality expected of each build team. Including thematic form, style and level of polish.
Revision and Iteration, strong focus on constant improvement of each build, including seeking feedback and fulfilling changes to projects.
Communication, open and frequent communication with Developers and/or Project Leads in order to have a clear understanding of parameters, goals and timeframes.
Project Specific Skills:
Use of Procedural World Generation tools to create fantasy environments of a wide variety.
Creating prefabricated and highly designed components for use in world generation, including micro dungeons, procedural caverns, enemy encounters and NPC settlements.
3D modelling, animation and art. for in-game assets.
NPC-AI scripting using a custom command set.
Mentorship and training from industry veterans on level design and game design skills
Tailoring maps for a wide scope of interpretations, roleplaying and multidirectional solo replayability
Building projects to meet standards outlined by Microsoft and Mojang respectively for Marketplace
July 2024
Level Design
Minigame maps showcasing Level design and aesthetic building skill for both The Hive and Hypixel servers.
Other Games - The Hive
Death Run - Running race with obstacles triggered by death-dealers
Ground Wars - Team vs Team elimination, painball style game
Parkour Worlds - Jumping puzzle minigame with increasing difficulty levels (Team build)
Bedwars - Hypixel
Solo or Team based game. Destroy objective, survive, eliminate opposition, last team standing. Orbiting islands with currency collections to purchase upgrades.
Bedwars - The Hive
Solo or Team based game. Destroy objective, survive, eliminate opposition, last team standing. Orbiting islands with currency collections to purchase upgrades.
Skywars - Hypixel
Solo or Team based game. Survival of the fittest. Orbiting islands around a central island with higher tier rewards.
Skywars - The Hive
Solo or Team based game. Survival of the fittest. Orbiting islands around a central island with higher tier rewards.
Other Minigames - Hypixel
Battle Royale - 50 players, last person standing wins
Farm Hunt - Hide and seek style game with farm animals
TnT Tag - 2 bombs on players, try to pass to others and be the last person standing
TnT Wizards - Team elimination with magical kits
Aesthetic Builds
Organics, Personal exercises, Gamemodes with little level design
3D Voxel Modelling and Texture Art
Assets created to go with various projects for Hypixel
Wyndford Project - Hypixel
Educational map commissioned by The Hub for Hypixel Build Team
Recreation of WW1 Wyndford Barracks, Scotland
Models and Resource pack referenced from historical images. Made to fit Minecraft art style
Models made in Blockbench, Textures made in Photoshop
Website: https://www.immersiveminds.com/wyndford-barracks
Enchanted Builds
Levels completed with Enchanted Team. Released on Minecraft Marketplace
Simple and easily readable style
Focus on replayability and Roleplaying
Some of the various work completed in the early phases of the future Hytale project
Screenshots shown are either learning exercises, or my work on things that have been shown in dev blogs by Hypixel Studios/Original Trailer
World Generation
Noisemaps, thresholds and basic scripting used with the Hytale World Gen tool to create biomes
Note: Sample biomes used to learn and practice the tool. Not indicitave of final product.
Procedural Mini-dungeons
Using procedural logic system to create seemingly random mini dungeon experiences
Note: Work used to learn and practice the tool. Not indicitave of final product.
Models and Assets
Personal practice using the Hytale modelling tool to create character assets, and variations of plants
Note: Work used to learn and practice the tool. Not indicitave of final product.